Forever punk I wanna to be forever punk
I don't wanna be a last forever
and ever, and never.
Uvek sam bio sasvim sam
niko mi nikad nije rek'o ni "Dobar dan"
I kada shvatis bice san.

Kragujevac, o Kragujevac!

Milion glasova vapi
Njihova se rec ne cuje
Pokriva ih debeo sloj papira
Jer, pokriva ih debeo sloj papira.

Birokrata ima ruke
Velike su kada uzima,
a male kada daje
Velike kada uzima, a male kada daje.

Mi smo, mi smo...milion glasova!

Moj stric ima kola prava
koja jure ceo dan
Njega ne brine moja glava
koja ne zna sta je san.

Ko je srecnik ovog veka
koji ima novac, sve
Korisnici hipoteka
lek za nase burzuje

Da li mislis dal' ce doci
pravo vreme za tebe?
Hoce, hoce ha, ha, ha
Kada drzava odumre.


Idemo na ringispil
na tu cudnu spravu
Penjite se skupa svi
samo pazi glavu.

Karta kosta,skupa je
ali ko to mari
Vazno je da ti se
okrece u glavi.

Ali taj ringispil nas davi
Okrece se ceo zivot nas
Za nas vise nisu takve stvari
Ringispilu fucking fuck!

Per aspera ad astra, per aspera!

Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mozete ih uvrediti!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mozete ih povrediti!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mogu vas primetiti!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mogu vam se osvetiti!

Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mozete ih iznervirati!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mogu vas nokautirati!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-mozete se poseci!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude-ne mozete im pobeci!

To je vrlo opasno!
Ne bacajte nozeve na ljude!

Daj pricaj mi pricu, pricu o sreci
Daj pevaj mi pesmu, pesmu o njoj
O, dajte mi reci, reci o slobodi
O, dajte mi pesmu o onom ko te voli.

Ozari me Sunce, daj mi toplote
Podari mi svetlost da probijem taj mrak
Upali mi baklju da rasteram sve oko sebe
Ucini me snaznim da pobedim tu moc.

Bolujes ti , bolujem ja
Bolujemo od tifusa
Jer nikoga ne jebem ja
jer bolujem od tifusa.

Ja ne pijem
Ja ne pusim
Ja se ne bijem
Ja ne rusim.

Ja sam gradjanin grada
Ja sam lojalan gradjanin.


Trci, skaci, umiri
Ne stedi sebe, gini, gini!

Gurni laktom, cepi ga
Pomeri mu bubreg, ubij ga!

"Moras pobediti"- kaze trener-
"Ako ne uspes-onda si feler!"


U nasem gradu se pevaju balade
Po kasarnama se spremaju parade
Po mracnim uglovima kockari se klade
A mladi odavno nemaju sta da rade.

Tu i tamo na kurvu se naleti
Po crkvama se smeje Hrist raspeti
Po bolnicama se tuku pacijenti
U nasem gradu je isto i zimi i leti.

Nisam te zadovoljio
Ne svidja ti se moja ekstremnost
Na moja pitanja odgovaras sa- "Odjebi!"
Privalace te slike na ruci
Ja ih nemam
A ti se vuces sa njima!

Tvoj pogled ne ide dalje od vrha cigare
Tvoja kosa nije simbol
Nisam ni primecivao da si zuta
Ne zbog bunde koju si samo jednom obukla
Tvoja snaga je pred drugima
Tad mi se smejes, jer pricam uz vetar
Ti si srecna-ne zivis od jutra do sutra
Ti si srecna-ne zivis od jutra do sutra!

Ali jurices zamnom kao kuce
Bolece te od mojih udaraca
Pljuvacu te, setices se uvek picke na ustima
Videces kako izgleda zivot sa druge strane
Srusice se kulise,napicemo se smoga
I ostacemo sami u podrumu sa pacovima
Dole je nase pusto ostrvo
Svrbece te ledja od buva, oci od mrava
I necemo umreti, to ostavljamo vama
Smrt ostavljamo vama!


Forever punk
i wanna to be forever punk
I don't wanna be a last forever
and ever, and never.

I've always been on my own
no one ever maved me "Good day"
And when you realize it
it 'ill be a dream.

Million voices cry out loud
Their word is not heard
Huge piles of paper cover them
because, huge piles of paper cover them.

Bureaucrat got hands
They are big when taking
so small when giving
They are big when taking,
so small when giving.

We are million voices!

My uncle's got a real car
He's driving it around all day day long
He doesn't care about my head which knows no dream.

Who's the lucky guy in our century
who has money, everything
Stockholders, mortgages
cure for our bourgeois.

Do you think think that it will come the right for you
It will, it will, ha, ha , ha
When the state wither away.


Let's jump into carousel
On that strange device
Roll around all of you
just watch out for your head!
Ticket costs, it's a lot of dough, but who cares
All it matters, is to get dizzy.

But that carousel bores us
All our life turns around
We don't fit anymore
Carousel fucking and a fuck!

Don't throw knives on people-you might insult them
Don't throw knives on people-you might hurt them
Don't throw knives on people-they might notice you
Don't throw knives on people-they might want to get it back to you.

Don't throw knives on people-they might make you nervous
Don't throw knives on people-they might knock you out
Don't throw knives on people-you might cut yourself
Don't throw knives on people-you can't get away from them.

That's very dangerous
Don't throw knives on people.

Come on, tell me a story, story about happiness
Come on sing me a song , song about her
Give me the words, the words of freedom
give me the song about the one
the one who loves you

Sun, shine on me, give me the heat
Grand me the light to pierce that darkness
Light me the torch to make them all go away from me
Make me strong to beat that power!

You' re ill
I am ill
We' re ill from tiphus.

I don't give no shit for anybody
I'm ill from tiphus!

I never drink, I never smoke
I never fight, I destroy anything.

I' m a citizen of the city
I' m the loyal citizen!


Run, jump, sweat
do the best you can, die, die!

Shove him, hit him, find his kidney
kill him!

"You got to win" the coach says
"If you don't you're nobody"

Basketball, basketball...

Lullabies are sung in our city
Soldiers are giving parades
There's a lot of gambling in obscure corners
but young ones don't have that to do.

Here and there you run into a whore
Crucified Christ smiles in our churches
Patients fight in our hospitals
it' s all the same in winter and in summer in our city.

I didn' t satisfy you
You don't like my extreme behavior
You answer my question with:"Fuck off!"
You are attracted by the tatoos on peoples arms
I don't have them
And you hang around them

You see only as far as your cigarette
Your hair is not a symbol
You were yellow, I never noticed it before
Not because of the fur coat youwore only once.
Your strenght is shown only in front of other people
Then you laugh at me, becouse I talk in vain
You are lucky you don't live one day at a time

But you' ll feel pain cause I' ll hit you
I' ll spit on you, you' ll remember how I lickedyou
you' ll see the dark side of life
The walls will be torn down, we' ll get high on polluted air
and we' ll be left alone in a basement with rats
It' s your deserted island down there
Your beck will itch because of fleas
Your eyes because of ants
But we won't die, we leave death to you!
